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  • CV Search

    With our CV Search feature, you will be able to

  • Recruiter Profiles

    The profile of the recruiters found across the platform is visible to all the ‘talents’.

  • Advertise a Job

    Have a project in mind? Looking for some help? Why don’t you try Braindex, in order to find a suitable talent, that can bring that spark of light, over your project.

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All the posts for announcement. Once you sign up for the Braindex network, you agree that your profile is going to be viewed by employers looking to hire a possible talent. Any employer that comes across your profile will be able to access a copy of your CV, and read the details that you wrote within the profile section

Currently there is no other method to apply to be part of Braindex, other than through our online platform. If however you find it difficult to apply, than you can give us a call or write us an email at

Don’t worry our systems are prepared for such occurrences.
If you are either an employer or a ‘talent’, and you forgot your password, all you have to do is to put in the email, you used to sign up and create, your account with.
You will receive a password reset link and from then on, all you have to do is to write a new password.

With our platform, you will be pleased to see a wide range of industries, which are very common in today’s society.

Braindex is not only a simple database. Braindex is a concept as well as a brand. We try to develop and always perfection the concept of ‘available talent’, to those who have a project or an idea, but can’t find the right people to either hire, work with or partner.

If you receive error messages when trying to log in, than the first thing you should do is to close the browser and use the website again.
If the problem persists, than you can email us and we will see what can be done.

We recommend every ‘talent’ to create only one talent, which they can subsequently use and try to improve it with every occasion.

All the announcements posted by companies looking to hire or those proposing a project are carefully reviewed by our teams. Once the reviewing process takes place

This depends entirely on the company which have selected you. They will review your profile and it is up to them whether or not they decide to contact you.
Please don’t be discouraged if a desired company doesn’t contact you. With the help of Braindex, there are plenty of opportunities that can reach you.

The method is simple. All you have to do is to be accepted as a talent for the Braindex database and you will be then have a chance of being selected by the reviewing companies, signed onto the platform.

General Inquiries

All the posts for announcement. Once you sign up for the Braindex network, you agree that your profile is going to be viewed by employers looking to hire a possible talent. Any employer that comes across your profile will be able to access a copy of your CV, and read the details that you wrote within the profile section

Don’t worry our systems are prepared for such occurrences.
If you are either an employer or a ‘talent’, and you forgot your password, all you have to do is to put in the email, you used to sign up and create, your account with.
You will receive a password reset link and from then on, all you have to do is to write a new password.

Currently there is no other method to apply to be part of Braindex, other than through our online platform. If however you find it difficult to apply, than you can give us a call or write us an email at

With our platform, you will be pleased to see a wide range of industries, which are very common in today’s society.

Braindex is not only a simple database. Braindex is a concept as well as a brand. We try to develop and always perfection the concept of ‘available talent’, to those who have a project or an idea, but can’t find the right people to either hire, work with or partner.

If you receive error messages when trying to log in, than the first thing you should do is to close the browser and use the website again.
If the problem persists, than you can email us and we will see what can be done.